Small Stories author Justin Cash, 5'2'', sparring with ex-professional rugby player Martin Bayfield, 6'10''

The taller candidate wins presidential elections two thirds of the time. The bigger the height margin, the greater the chance of winning.

More than half of US CEOs stand above six feet tall. 

A quarter of these top dogs are over six-feet two inches, at least six times the proportion in the US population as a whole. 

The benefit of an extra inch in height is an $800 increase in annual earnings, research suggests.

From a young age, taller children achieve more academically than their shorter peers and make friends easier.

In adulthood, companies are more likely to hire taller people with the same qualifications, and a reduction in height increases the negative impression we think others would hold of us.

When it comes to relationships, the man is taller than the woman in 92.5 per cent of couples – far more than would be predicted by chance.

I am 5’2’’. That’s what my new Substack, Small Stories, is going to be about. 

Subscribe, and strap in.




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